Full project name:
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Mobility and
Healthy Ageing for a Sustainable Future
Project acronym: AGErasmus

The AGErasmus EMJM aims to provide graduates with a holistic approach, relevant knowledge and competences and the required skills to work as qualified professionals in healthy and active ageing by designing and applying preventing and therapeutic interventions in either the clinical (Hospital geriatric departments) or socio-healthcare fields (public services for older adults and nursing homes).

In four different European Union universities (Spain, France, Poland, and Portugal), with lectures and seminars taught both by academics of the highest scientific level and by practitioners in exercise science in older populations, geriatrics, gerontology also from socio sanitary contexts.

Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree (at least 180 ECTS) or be in their last year of bachelor studies and graduate before the master’s programme starts.
There will be priority to graduate students with:
- Bachelor in Sports Sciences
- Bachelor or Master’s degree in Medicine
- Bachelor in Nursing
- Bachelor in Dietetics and Nutrition
- Bachelor or Master’s degree in Physiotherapy

There are scholarships for students to take part in the AGErasmus Master, offered to the best-ranked applicants worldwide. Scholarships will cover the cost of a student’s participation in the programme, travel and a living allowance.

There is compulsory mobility, which comprises 4 study periods in at least 3 different countries.
All the students will start the Master’s semester 1 in Spain, followed by semester 2 in Portugal and finally for semester 3, all students will be allocated to either Poland (or France, alternatively. Semester 4 will be dedicated to the Master thesis project and a
one-month internship.

We have designed a 2-year, 120 ECTS, study programme in the field on active and healthy ageing, with 10 modules, spread over four academic semesters:
Lecture Modules. Total ECTS: 120
Fundamentals of healthy ageing: Framework and basic concepts
(6 ECTS)
(6 ECTS)
Both courses of “Introduction to the Biology, Context and Framework of Healthy Ageing” (3 ECTS) and “Determinants of intrinsic capacity” (3 ECTS)” will help to establish the basic concepts of healthy ageing and serve as a starting point for the variety of students to begin their studies, along with the global perspectives on ageing and health. The concept of intrinsic capacity and its importance for healthy ageing will be specifically introduced. It will also cover the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie the ageing process, as well as the ways in which these mechanisms can be manipulated to promote healthy ageing. The role of oxidative stress and inflammation in aging, the impact of lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise on aging at the cellular level and the impact of aging on organ function will also be addressed.
Epidemiology and genetics of ageing
(9 ECTS)
(9 ECTS)
The course “Concepts in epidemiological research” (3 ECTS) will focus on the history, framework, key concepts in epidemiology, models in physical activity epidemiology, the Lancet physical activity series, frequency measures, measures of association, attributable risk and cause and effect. “Genetic and epigenetic variation in ageing” (6 ECTS) course will emphasise on the role of genetic variation in ageing and age-related diseases, the interplay between genetic and epigenetic variation in ageing, the impact of environmental factors on genetic and epigenetic variation in aging and the potential use of genetic and epigenetic information in personalized medicine and ageing interventions.
Multidimensional assessment of cognitive, physical fitness and health status
(18 ECTS)
(18 ECTS)
This module provides an in-depth understanding of methods for assessing physical and cognitive function, including techniques for measuring muscle function, cardiorespiratory performance, physical activity, and body composition. The module is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to accurately assess and interpret these various aspects of physical and cognitive function in order to inform health and fitness decisions in older populations. The topics that will be covered in the module include:
- Assessment of physical and cognitive function: Overview of the tools and methods used to evaluate physical and cognitive function, such as functional mobility assessments, cognitive assessments, and balance testing.
- Assessment of muscle function: Measurement of muscle strength and fatigue. Muscle power will receive specific attention, given its clinical relevance and the solid scientific evidence on its value as a predictor of functionality and mortality.
- Assessment of cardiorespiratory performance: This course will include an examination of methods for assessing cardiovascular and respiratory function and fat oxidation.
- Assessment of physical activity: Methods for measuring physical activity levels, such as accelerometry, and self-reported physical activity questionnaires.
- Age-related changes in body composition: models, methods, and insights: In-depth analysis of methods for assessing body composition, from skinfold thickness measurements to bioelectrical impedance analysis, and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
The module will also include the interpretation of results and the use of the data obtained, focusing on the validated thresholds and cut-off points to distinguish between healthy and non-healthy individuals.
Exercise prescription for the preservation of intrinsic capacity
(18 ECTS)
(18 ECTS)
This module will focus on the conception and development of exercise programs for older adults, with specific attention on exercise for frail older adults without non-communicable diseases. The module will also cover the principles of exercise prescription and special considerations for older adults with non-communicable diseases such as endocrine and metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and respiratory diseases. It will also address the potential benefits of exercise for these populations and how to implement the exercise programs accordingly.
New technologies, digital phenotyping and ehealth
(6 ECTS)
(6 ECTS)
It will focus on the study of mobility in relation to environmental factors, digital phenotyping, and new technologies for older adults. It will also explore into the concept, applications, and potential of digital phenotyping. Additionally, the module will examine the effects of monitoring systems on healthcare policies and explores the use of virtual reality and e-health interventions for seniors.
Nutrition and healthy ageing
(12 ECTS)
(12 ECTS)
The module will deal with the topic of functional foods for healthy aging, focusing on the role of antioxidants, dietary fibres, probiotics and prebiotics, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals in promoting healthy aging. It will also explore the nutrition requirements and unique needs of older adults, including different types of dietary regimes and their pros and cons. Moreover, the management of malnutrition, overweight and obesity in older adults and the importance of gut microbiota in promoting healthy ageing will also be addressed.
Fostering Resilience in Older Adults: Sleep, Pain, and Autonomy
(12 ECTS)
(12 ECTS)
The module will delve into the biological clock, sleep patterns and how they adapt to aging, both in healthy and pathological conditions. Additionally, the module will examine the psychosocial aspects of ageing, including the cognitive and behavioural changes and how it affects the autonomy of older adults. Finally, it will also discuss the techniques used to assess the bio-psycho-social abilities of older adults.
Research methodology
(9 ECTS)
(9 ECTS)
This module will cover a range of topics related to designing, conducting, and analysing research studies in the field of medicine and health. This will include:
- Introduction to different research designs such as experimental, observational, and qualitative.
- Ethics in research, including informed consent, protection of human subjects, and data security.
- Sampling techniques and power calculations.
- Measurement and assessment techniques including questionnaires, surveys, physical examination, laboratory tests and imaging.
- Data analysis and statistics, including descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and statistical tests.
- Literature review and manuscript writing.
- Presentation of research findings.
The main objective is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to design, conduct, analyse and interpret research studies, with specific emphasis on the application of scientific evidence in their professional practice.
(3 ECTS)
(3 ECTS)
It will offer a unique opportunity for students to gain practical experience in their field. Interns may work in a variety of settings, including geriatric services in hospitals, nursing homes, research laboratories of the partner HEIs or associated partners, or with policy makers. These placements are designed to provide hands-on experience and insights into the complexities of ageing, health management, and policy development, thereby enhancing the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom. This practical exposure will be invaluable for students aspiring to become experts in the field of healthy and active ageing.
Summer School
(3 ECTS)
(3 ECTS)
It will be developed within the frame of an international symposium, where invited scholars will give keynote conferences and interact with students. It will also serve for students and professors to review the Master’s methodology and implementation.
MSc Thesis
(24 ECTS)
(24 ECTS)
Developed by students with students spread out among the partner HEIs, either at one of the partner institutions or at the associated partners.

The students that successfully complete the AGErasmus academic programme will be awarded a joint degree between UCLM and ULisboa, and a degree by either the JDU or LMU, depending on the university they spend the third mobility period, in which case they will be awarded one of the following degrees, which will be accredited according to national regulations

Master’s graduates will be able to work as qualified professionals by designing and applying preventing and therapeutic interventions in either the clinical (Hospital geriatric departments) or socio-healthcare fields (public services for older adults and nursing homes). There is also an emerging interest from the private sector in providing all these services to the growing older population. Additionally, the degree will enable the graduates to further their training by earning a PhD at one of the institutions or partners of the Master.
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Vice-rectorate for Internationalization
Avenida Carlos III, s/n – Edificio 31
45071-Toledo (SPAIN)
E-mail: Vic.Internacionalizacion@uclm.es
Phone: +34 925 26 88 08